

癌症是一种复杂的异质性疾病,由于细胞生长失控而引起。 一个或一组细胞的基因和表观遗传的变化破坏了正常功能,导致细胞自发、不受控制地生长和增殖。 

成像技术已成为研究癌症生物学的重要工具。 高分辨率成像对于研究导致癌症的基因和细胞信号传导变化必不可少,而活细胞成像则是更深入了解功能和疾病机制的关键。 显微成像技术对于研究不同类型肿瘤细胞之间的空间关系也同样不可或缺。 它们对于理解免疫系统在对抗癌细胞方面的作用也很重要。 对于后者,研究人员运用多色成像技术来加快观察速度。




癌症治疗方法的研究通常需要将荧光显微成像与创新的功能实验相结合。 通过最佳的时空分辨率,研究人员能够监测活细胞中的动态事件,如细胞迁移和转移。 这些动态过程是癌症发展的核心内容。

由于难以实时观察到肿瘤细胞行为,理解这些过程一直非常困难。 要长时间快速成像,往往需要作出取舍:要么降低分辨率,要么在更多时候不得不损伤珍贵的样本。 您所面临的挑战是寻找合适的成像技术和系统,它必须既提供具有最高分辨率的最佳数据,同时又保持细胞的活力,让您可以跟踪感兴趣的过程。


在研究免疫抑制或血管生成等复杂事件时,多色荧光显微成像(无论是共聚焦还是宽场)在理解空间环境、共定位和多个生物标志物的相邻性方面都是必要的工具。 这个目标往往具有挑战性,因为您可以用这种“多通道”方法区分的荧光团数量是有限的。 幸运的是,您可以运用创新成像系统和策略来改善荧光团的分离(例如 FluoSync,一种使用单次曝光同时进行多通道荧光成像的精简方法),并根据实验的需要来增加荧光探针数量。


癌症非常复杂,因此需要使用包括高时空分辨率的活样本和单细胞成像在内的大量研究方法。 要更深入了解与癌症有关的细胞过程,很可能需要采用最高分辨率的成像方法和多参数图像分析。 荧光共聚焦显微成像等方法能够研究组织或细胞结构内的多个目标。


激光显微切割或光电联用显微成像 (CLEM) 可以研究细胞膜中的受体空间排列和细胞核中的基因组结构。



超高分辨率显微镜和纳米显微镜克服了光衍射的限制,以标准共聚焦显微镜从未企及的精细分辨率帮助研究人员研究亚细胞结构。使用 STED 可达到 30 nm 的分辨率,对形态学和亚细胞动态进行纳米级研究。亚衍射共定位分析可揭示前所未见的分子相互作用细节。超高分辨率有助于病毒学、免疫学、神经系统科学和癌症研究领域探索新发现,它正成为光学显微技术新的黄金标准。如今,有了 HyVolution 2、Leica TCS SP8 STED ONE、STED 3X 和 Leica SR GSD 3D,您的深入探索变得前所未有的简单。




过去,寿命成像一直是一种缓慢、复杂的专业化技术。 只有经验丰富的显微镜专家或物理学家才会使用这种技术。 徕卡显微系统公司处于当今荧光寿命成像技术的前沿。 我们的系统使寿命成像比以往更快、更易于使用,将这项技术的各种优势引入日常的共聚焦成像实验中。

Multiplex Imaging Reveals Survival Markers after Cancer Care

Colorectal cancer is a high incidence and high mortality cancer. Currently, postoperative chemotherapy benefits only a minority of patients, and thus, new tools are necessary to screen patients and identify those at increased risk. Tissue samples from hundreds of patients were analyzed using Cell DIVE’s multiplex imaging to reveal the fine cellular determinants of survival following cancer treatment. 


Tumor MHC Expression and Intralesional IL2 Response in Melanoma

Genomics profiling and Cell DIVE multiplex imaging allows researchers to understand the immune cell phenotypes that most strongly predict response to IL2 immunotherapy in melanoma patients suffering metastasis.


Hyperplex Cancer Tissue Analysis at Single Cell Level with Cell DIVE

The ability to study how lymphoma cell heterogeneity is influenced by the cells’ response to their microenvironment, especially at the mutational, transcriptomic, and protein levels. Protein expression studies offer the most relevant information about the nature of cellular interactions and protein expression levels. A hyperplexed workflow can be applied for studying multiple proteins from the same cancer tissue.




徕卡显微系统的知识门户网站 提供有关显微镜学的科学研究资料和教学材料。 网站内容专门面向初学者、经验丰富的从业者和科学家,为他们的日常工作和实验提供支持。


A Meta-cancer Analysis of the Tumor Spatial Microenvironment

Learn how clustering analysis of Cell DIVE datasets in Aivia can be used to understand tissue-specific and pan-cancer mechanisms of cancer progression
Multiplexed Cell DIVE imaging of Colon Adenocarcinoma (CAC) tissue. A panel of approximately 30 biomarkers targeted towards various leukocyte lineages, epithelial, stromal, and endothelial cell types was utilized to characterize the tumor immune microenvironment in human colon adenocarcinoma (CAC) tissue.

Mapping the Landscape of Colorectal Adenocarcinoma with Imaging and AI

Discover deep insights in colon adenocarcinoma and other immuno-oncology realms through the potent combination of multiplexed imaging of Cell DIVE and Aivia AI-based image analysis
Clustering based analysis reveals various immune cell populations enriched in tumor cells within CT26.WT syngeneic mouse tumor models.

Spatial Architecture of Tumor and Immune Cells in Tumor Tissues

Dig deep into the spatial biology of cancer progression and mouse immune-oncology in this poster, and learn how tumor metabolism can effect immune cell function.
[Translate to chinese:] Spheroid stained with Cyan: Dapi nuclear countertain; Green AF488 Involucrin; Orange AF55 Phalloidin Actin; Magenta AF647 CK14.


[Translate to chinese:] Hepatocellular Carcinoma with 13 biomarkers shown – Beta-Catenin, CD3D, CD4, CD8a, CD31, CD44, CD163, DAPI, PanCK, PCK26, PD1, SMA, and Vimentin.


Alison Cheung博士展示了如何利用蛋白质多重成像技术为癌症研究提供定量见解,与她一起探索肿瘤异质性和免疫细胞动态。
Esophageal tissue with a squamous cell carcinoma labelled with the 4 biomarkers PanCk, DAPI, NaKATPase, and Vimentin.

Discover how Multiplexed Bioimaging can Advance Cancer Research

Explore multiplexing with up to 60 biomarkers, enabling advanced tumor imaging approaches to gather precise, spatially-resolved single-cell data that helps enhance cancer research and clinical…
Multi-tissue array with 4 markers shown including DAPI, NaKATPase, PanCk, and Vimentin.

Spatial Biology: Learning the Landscape

Spatial Biology: Understanding the organization and interaction of molecules, cells, and tissues in their native spatial context
[Translate to chinese:] Branched organoid growing in collagen where the Nuclei are labeled blue. To detect the mechanosignaling process, the YAP1 is labeled green.


德国慕尼黑工业大学的Andreas Bausch实验室研究细胞和生物体中不同结构和功能形成的细胞和生物物理机制。他的团队设计了新的策略、方法和分析工具,以量化微米和纳米等级的发展机制和动态过程。关键研究领域包括干细胞和类器官,从乳腺类器官到胰腺癌类器官,以更好地了解疾病模型。
[Translate to chinese:] Cell counts for each biomarker were divided by total number of cells to give a percentage of biomarker positive cells out of total cells for each biomarker.


利用自动化、高质量抗体以及经验证的多重成像工作流程,Cell DIVE能够提供可重复的实验结果。
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