


09 Apr 2025

CYTO U Live Web Event

United States Webinar
10 Apr 2025
Dapi – Nucleus, GFP – Plasma Membrane, Thickness 100µm, 63x objektive, 469 Z planes, 2 channels, THUNDER Imager 3D Cell Culture. Courtesy M.Sc. Dana Krauß, Medical University of Vienna (Austria).

您的 3D 类器官成像和分析工作流程效率如何?

2D slice of colon cancer tissue stained with 30 markers and imaged using the Cell DIVE system. Analysis performed using Aivia 13’s new multiplex cell detection recipe and automatic clustering tool. Each phenotype denoted in a different color.

Transforming Multiplexed 2D Data into Spatial Insights Guided by AI

Aivia 13 handles large 2D images and enables researchers to obtain deep insights into microenvironment surrounding their phenotypes with millions of detected objects and automatic clustering up to 30…
[Translate to chinese:] Single cell datasets

利用 SPARCS 探索亚细胞空间表型

功能日益强大的显微镜可提供信息丰富的各种细胞表型数据。如果与深度学习的最新进展相结合,这将成为在基因筛选中读出感兴趣的生物表型的理想技术。在本网络讲座中,您将了解到空间分辨 CRISPR 筛选 (SPARCS),这是一种利用自动化高速激光显微切割技术在人类基因组尺度上揭示各种亚细胞空间表型的平台。
[Translate to chinese:] THY1-EGFP labeled neurons in mouse brain processed using the PEGASOS 2 tissue clearing method, imaged on a Leica confocal microscope. Neurons were traced using Aivia’s 3D Neuron Analysis – FL recipe. Image credit: Hu Zhao, Chinese Institute for Brain Research.


神经元的3D形态学分析通常需要使用不同的成像模式,捕捉多种类型的神经元,并在各种密度下相连的传统Leica SP8显微镜采集多达解神经元的形态,这对许多研究人员来说仍然是一个耗时的挑战。
[Translate to chinese:] Electric car or EV car charging in station. Eco-friendly alternative energy concept.


Electric car - generic 3d rendering


电动汽车包含的一些组件和系统需符合严格的清洁度标准和指南,实验室检测此类组件和系统时必须能够满足相关的要求。为此,VDA 19.1指南需要做出相应的修改。随着电动汽车的快速发展,检测行业需要寻找全新的技术解决方案,满足日益严苛的颗粒物分析要求。
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