


Infinity port


“无限远光学”这一概念是指在显微镜的物镜和镜筒透镜之间具有平行光线的光束路径。平面光学元件可以进入到这个“无限远空间”中,而不影响成像,这对于利用DIC或荧光等对比度方法至关重要。 现代显微技术需要在无限远光路中添加多种光学仪器,如光源或激光装置。满足这一需求的不同方法已经出现,本文对其进行了描述。
[Translate to chinese:] Eukaryotic cells

使用钙指示剂 Fura2 的宽场钙成像

在真核细胞中,Ca2+是信号转导通路中最广泛使用的第二信使之一。细胞内的 Ca2+ 水平通常保持较低,因为 Ca2+ 常常与磷酸化和羧酸化化合物形成不溶性复合物。通常,细胞质中的 Ca2+ 浓度在 100 nM 的范围内。作为对刺激的反应,Ca2+ 可以从外部介质或内部储存释放,以提高 Ca2+ 浓度。
[Translate to chinese:] QTM B, 1963, the first commercial automated image analysis system for microscope images, based on a TV camera and developed by Metals Research in Cambridge, England.

图像分析 50 年

现代图像分析系统对来自自动显微镜和数码相机的图像执行高度复杂的图像处理功能。50 年前,第一套图像分析系统是模拟系统,以摄像机为基础,面积测量可通过仪表读取。不过,它标志着这一领域自动化的开端。

Image Processing for Widefield Microscopy

Fluorescence microscopy is a modern and steadily evolving tool to bring light to current cell biological questions. With the help of fluorescent proteins or dyes it is possible to make discrete…
TIRF Image of Tubulin, YFP, penetration depth: 120 mm

Applications of TIRF Microscopy in Life Science Research

The special feature of TIRF microscopy is the employment of an evanescent field for fluorophore excitation. Unlike standard widefield fluorescence illumination procedures with arc lamps, LEDs or…
TIRF image of brest carcinoma tumor cells expressing GFP tagged cell adhesion Molecule CD44 that is expressed on the cell membrane, imagined in TIRF.

Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) Microscopy

Total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) is a special technique in fluorescence microscopy developed by Daniel Axelrod at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in the early 1980s. TIRF microscopy…

超分辨率 GSDIM 显微镜

纳米级技术GSDIM(基态耗尽显微镜后单分子返回)提供了细胞内蛋白质和其他生物分子空间排列的详细图像。目前市场上已有首个商业系统(Leica SR GSD),它正在帮助将GSDIM技术推广给更多研究实验室和成像中心的用户。
Section taste buds rabbit, differential interference contrast microscope

Optical Contrast Methods

Optical contrast methods give the potential to easily examine living and colorless specimens. Different microscopic techniques aim to change phase shifts caused by the interaction of light with the…
[Translate to chinese:] Modulation contrast visualizes transparent, low-contrast specimens.

集成调制对比度 (IMC)

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