Spatial Analysis of Neuroimmune Interactions in Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a complex neurodegenerative disorder characterized by neurofibrillary tangles, β-amyloid plaques, and neuroinflammation. These dysfunctions trigger or are exacerbated by…
A Guide to Spatial Biology
What is spatial biology, and how can researchers leverage its tools to meet the growing demands of biological questions in the post-omics era? This article provides a brief overview of spatial biology…
Micalis 研究所是与 INRAE、AgroParisTech 和巴黎萨克雷大学合作的联合研究单位。其使命是开发食品微生物学领域的创新研究,以促进健康。在这一系列视频中,Micalis…
阿尔茨海默病(AD)是最常见的神经退行性疾病,其特征是认知功能的逐渐下降。对 AD 大脑的空间分析可能揭示细胞关系,从而促进对疾病病因的更好理解。本研究捕捉了 AD 皮层组织成分的全球概述,并强调了 Cell DIVE 成像的简化工作流程,从数据采集到使用 Aivia 软件的基于人工智能的分析,最终实现更快的洞察。
通过高覆盖率靶向脂质组学分析稀疏细胞,深入探讨细胞复杂性。这种先进的方法结合了激光显微切割(LMD)和液相色谱-质谱/质谱(LC-MS/MS),揭示了单细胞水平的代谢变化,阐明了糖尿病和肥胖等疾病。通过采用激光显微切割(LMD)获得无污染样本,并使用 SCIEX 7500 系统提高灵敏度,该方法成功检测到 285…
Transforming Multiplexed 2D Data into Spatial Insights Guided by AI
Aivia 13 handles large 2D images and enables researchers to obtain deep insights into microenvironment surrounding their phenotypes with millions of detected objects and automatic clustering up to 30…
Coral Life 提供了简化的活细胞 CLEM 解决方案,用于深入了解细胞成分随时间发生的结构变化。除了工作流程手册中描述的技术处理外,本文还提供了成功进行实验的其他知识。
An Introduction to Computational Clearing
Many software packages include background subtraction algorithms to enhance the contrast of features in the image by reducing background noise. The most common methods used to remove background noise…