


2D slice of colon cancer tissue stained with 30 markers and imaged using the Cell DIVE system. Analysis performed using Aivia 13’s new multiplex cell detection recipe and automatic clustering tool. Each phenotype denoted in a different color.

Transforming Multiplexed 2D Data into Spatial Insights Guided by AI

Aivia 13 handles large 2D images and enables researchers to obtain deep insights into microenvironment surrounding their phenotypes with millions of detected objects and automatic clustering up to 30…
Aivia_Neuroscience-VBE comparison mouse-1_traced_ROI


[Translate to chinese:] Dynamic Signal Enhancement powered by Aivia: Truly simultaneous multicolor imaging of live cells (U2OS) in 3D


在本文中,我们将展示人工智能(AI)如何增强您的成像实验。即,由 Aivia 提供支持的动态信号增强如何在捕捉活细胞样本的时间动态的同时提高图像质量。
Mouse retina was fixed and stained by following reagents: anti-CD31 antibody (green): Endothelia cells, IsoB4 (red): Blood vessels, and microglia anti-GFAP antibody (blue): Astrocytes Sample courtesy by Jeremy Burton, PhD and Jiyeon Lee, PhD, Genentech Inc., South San Francisco, USA. Imaged by Olga Davydenko, PhD (Leica). Imaged with a THUNDER Imager 3D Cell Culture.

An Introduction to Computational Clearing

Many software packages include background subtraction algorithms to enhance the contrast of features in the image by reducing background noise. The most common methods used to remove background noise…

清晰对比、无雾的 3D 样本实时图像

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