


Complete camera overview of EM grid recorded with 3 channels. Inserts displaying the positions, where superresolved 3D confocal images were recorded. 3D renderings of these positions are shown in the zoomed inserts. Fluorescence channels (nuclei by Hoechst, blue; mitochondria by MitoTracker Green, green; lipid Droplets by Bodipy and Crimson Beads, red). Width of a grid square is 90 ?m, width of a grid bar is 35 ?m. Samples kindly provided by Ievgeniia Zagoriy, Mahamid-Group, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany.

From Bench to Beam: A Complete Correlative Cryo Light Microscopy Workflow

In the webinar entitled "A Multimodal Vitreous Crusade, a Cryo Correlative Workflow from Bench to Beam" a team of experts discusses the exciting world of correlative workflows for structural biology…


您的主要研究对象是病毒感染和疾病吗? 了解如何使用徕卡显微系统公司的成像和样本制备解决方案深入研究病毒学。



Exploring the Structure and Life Cycle of Viruses

The SARS-CoV-2 outbreak started in late December 2019 and has since reached a global pandemic, leading to a worldwide battle against COVID-19. The ever-evolving electron microscopy methods offer a…

Advancing Cell Biology with Cryo-Correlative Microscopy

Correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) advances biological discoveries by merging different microscopes and imaging modalities to study systems in 4D. Combining fluorescence microscopy with…

Workflows and Instrumentation for Cryo-electron Microscopy

Cryo-electron microscopy is an increasingly popular modality to study the structures of macromolecular complexes and has enabled numerous new insights in cell biology. In recent years, cryo-electron…


徕卡显微系统有限公司和赛默飞世尔科技有限公司合作开发了一个整条技术路线的冷冻电子断层扫描工作流程。它确保从通过THUNDER成像仪EM冷冻CLEM(也可选择新版的CORAL Cryo冷冻共聚焦CLEM)预选与我们的EM GP2的玻璃化冷冻到Thermo Scientific Krios™ G3i Cryo TEM的3D图像重建的完全整合。所有仪器之间的无缝通信能够获得可靠的结果和可重现的实验。
[Translate to chinese:] Roland A. Fleck




低温下观察完全含水、未染色样本的透射电子显微镜(cryo TEM)是结构生物学、细胞生物学、药理学和其他科学分支的通用工具。通过将标本放入冷冻剂中进行超快速冷冻(投入式冻结)是一种常用的方法,用于制备在透射电镜观察的各种标本。本文是对投入式冷冻的补充,介绍了在不同领域使用投入式冷冻标本的三种冷冻TEM应用。
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