


Operating room, PROVIDO

Free Flap Procedures in Oncological Reconstructive Surgery

Free flap surgery is considered the gold standard for breast, head and neck reconstructions for cancer patients. These procedures, which enable functional and aesthetic rehabilitation, can be quite…
Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence (SSCD) or Minor’s syndrome.

Minor’s Syndrome Surgical Intervention by Prof. Vincent Darrouzet

Minor’s disease, also called Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence (SSCD) or Minor’s syndrome, is a rare disorder of the inner ear that affects hearing and balance. The disease is characterized by…


Plastic reconstructive surgery with M530 OHX

Advances in Oncological Reconstructive Surgery

Decision making and patient care in oncological reconstructive surgery have considerably evolved in recent years. New surgical assistance technologies are helping surgeons push the boundaries of what…
[Translate to chinese:] H&E stained specimen, 20x magnification


病理学家使用显微镜检查样本以发现组织和体液中存在的异常。他们的检查发现或推论对治疗决策有非常大的影响。Penelope Zorzi博士拥有免疫学、病理学和基因组学专业背景,是徕卡显微系统健康与临床显微镜术产品工作流经理。她了解病理学家的工作职责并介绍了医生、科学家和病理学实验室化验员的工作。

A Versatile Palette of Fluorescent Probes

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research in Heidelberg have developed a general strategy to synthesize live-cell compatible fluorogenic probes, and the result are the new MaP (Max…
Dual color volume rendering of Drp1 oligomers (green) and mito OM (red) in a live U2OS cell


人工智能显微术研讨会主要关注和讨论显微术和生物医学成像领域的最新人工智能技术和工具。在该科学演示中,Yuxuan Zhao展示了如何通过渐进式深度学习策略并结合“双环调制的SPIM”设计改善活细胞中的细胞器三维成像。
Colon adenocarcinoma with 13 biomarkers shown

利用Cell DIVE 在单细胞水平上进行超复杂癌症组织分析

Left-hand image: The distribution of immune cells (white) and blood vessels (pink) in white adipose tissue (image captured using the THUNDER Imager 3D Cell Culture). Right-hand image: The same image after automated analysis using Aivia, with each immune cell color-coded based on its distance to the nearest blood vessel. Image courtesy of Dr. Selina Keppler, Munich, Germany.


利用荧光显微镜的特异性,即便是使用厚样品和大尺寸样品,研究人员也能够快速轻松地准确观察和分析生物学过程和结构。然而,离焦荧光会提高背景荧光,降低对比度,影响图像的精确分割。THUNDER 与Aivia 的组合可以有效解决这一问题。前者可以消除图像模糊,后者会使用人工智能技术自动分析宽视野图像,提高操作速度和精确性。下面,我们来详细了解下这一协作方法。
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