


[Translate to chinese:] Transfection using the Uncommon Bio reprogramming system. Image acquired using the THUNDER Imager 3D Cell Culture with THUNDER Large Volume Computational Clearing (LVCC) applied. Image courtesy of Samuel East, Uncommon Bio.

Designing the Future with Novel and Scalable Stem Cell Culture

Visionary biotech start-up Uncommon Bio is tackling one of the world’s biggest health challenges: food sustainability. In this webinar, Stem Cell Scientist Samuel East shows how they make stem cell…
Multiplexed Cell DIVE imaging of Adult Human Alzheimer’s Brain Tissue labelled with 15 antibodies targeted towards markers specific to astrocytes (GFAP, S100B), microglia (TMEM119, IBA1), and Alzheimer’s-associated markers (β-amyloid and p-Tau217).

Explore Alzheimer's Spatial Proteome with Big Data

Alzheimer's disease, a genetic and sporadic neurodegenerative condition, leads to cognitive decline in mid to late life, marked by β-amyloid plaques and tau tangles. With limited treatment options,…
Documentation of an automotive clutch friction surface with a digital microscope


[Translate to chinese:] 3D culture of ovarian cancer cells imaged using the confocal mode of Mica.

Mica: A Game-changer for Collaborative Research at Imperial College London

This interview highlights the transformative impact of Mica at Imperial College London. Scientists explain how Mica has been a game-changer, expanding research possibilities and facilitating…
Complete camera overview of EM grid recorded with 3 channels. Inserts displaying the positions, where superresolved 3D confocal images were recorded. 3D renderings of these positions are shown in the zoomed inserts. Fluorescence channels (nuclei by Hoechst, blue; mitochondria by MitoTracker Green, green; lipid Droplets by Bodipy and Crimson Beads, red). Width of a grid square is 90 ?m, width of a grid bar is 35 ?m. Samples kindly provided by Ievgeniia Zagoriy, Mahamid-Group, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany.

From Bench to Beam: A Complete Correlative Cryo Light Microscopy Workflow

In the webinar entitled "A Multimodal Vitreous Crusade, a Cryo Correlative Workflow from Bench to Beam" a team of experts discusses the exciting world of correlative workflows for structural biology…


癌症是一种复杂的异质性疾病,由于细胞生长失控而引起。 一个或一组细胞的基因和表观遗传的变化破坏了正常功能,导致细胞自发、不受控制地生长和增殖。


模式生物是研究人员用来研究特定生物学过程的物种。 它们具有与人类相似的遗传特征,通常用于遗传学、发育生物学和神经科学等研究领域。 选择模式生物的原因通常是它们在实验室环境中易于保持和繁殖、生成周期短,或能够产生突变体来研究某些性状或疾病。
[Translate to chinese:] Area of a printed circuit board (PCB) which was imaged with extended depth of field (EDOF) using digital microscopy.


[Translate to chinese:] Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma with 11 Aerobic Glycolysis/Warburg Effect biomarkers shown – BCAT, Glut1, HK2, HTR2B, LDHA, NaKATPase, PCAD, PCK26, PKM2, SMA1, and Vimentin.

Dive into Pancreatic Cancer Research with Big Data

Pancreatic cancer, with a mortality rate near 40%, is challenging to treat due to its proximity to major organs. This story explores the complex biology of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC),…
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