

向全球用户供应单批次钢材组件和产品时,产品需满足多种钢材质量标准。这些用户需求成为了摆在供应商面前的一道难题。由于夹杂物对钢材质量有显著影响,各种标准都对非金属夹杂物评级规定了严格的评级方法。钢材质量评级有助于确保产品和组件满足不同的性能和安全规格要求。然而,由于国际、区域和组织性的标准繁多,而且这些标准还会不断更新变化,因此单批次钢材组件/产品要满足多种钢材质量标准的要求是一项难度不小的挑战。为帮助供应商对钢材质量进行评级,更轻松地满足多种标准的要求,并对根据不同标准获得的结果进行比较,徕卡显微系统推出了LAS X钢铁专家解决方案。


八十多年前,瑞典(Jernkontoret)[1]开发了利用系统性非金属夹杂物评级,评估钢材质量的首个“标准”方法。经过长期演变,这套方法最终发展为今天的现代化钢材质量标准。这些标准仍然在接受定期审核和更新。一般而言,每年至少会有一个现存的标准接受审核,而修订和更新频率则由发布标准的机构、组织或企业而定[2-12]。在某些情况下,一些标准会被禁用(如DIN 50602、UNE 36431、NF A 04-106和UNI 3244),并被其它标准所取代,例如EN 10247 [1,4-6]。新标准也会陆续制定和发布,如SEP 1571。
目前,市场上有很多钢材夹杂物评估标准,但主流的国际和区域性标准是ASTM E45[3]、EN 10247[6]和ISO 4967[8]。图1显示了钢材夹杂物评级标准随时间演变的历程。在过去几十年中,经过不断的发展,目前钢材质量标准的“格局”仍在不断变化。







徕卡显微系统推出的钢材质量解决方案套件便是这样一种解决方案。它结合了LAS X钢铁专家软件和高性能徕卡显微镜。供应商可以利用这些解决方案,化解多种钢材评级标准带来的诸多挑战。它们可以帮助用户:


  1. D. Diez, J. DeRose, T. Locherer, Rate the Quality of Your Steel: Free Webinar and Report: Overview of standard analysis methods and practical solutions for evaluating steel inclusions, Science Lab (2019) Leica Microsystems
  2. ASTM E1122-96 (2002), Withdrawn 2006, Standard Practice for Obtaining JK Inclusion Ratings Using Automatic Image Analysis, ASTM International (American Section of the International Association for Testing Materials)
  3. ASTM E45 - 13, Standard Test Methods for Determining the Inclusion Content of Steel, ASTM International (American Section of the International Association for Testing Materials)
  4. DIN 50602, Withdrawn 2010,Metallographic examination; microscopic examination of special steels using standard diagrams to assess the content of non-metallic inclusions, DIN (Deutsche Institut für Normung)
  5. NF A04-106 September 1984, Withdrawn 2010, Iron and steel: Methods of determination of the non-metallic inclusion content of wrought steels, Part 2: micrographic method using standards diagrams, AFNOR (Association Française de Normalisation)
  6. EN 10247:2017, Micrographic examination of the non-metallic inclusion content of steels using standard pictures, CEN (European Committee for Standardization)
  7. SS 111116 : 2016, Jernkontoret’s inclusion chart II for quantitative assessment of the content of non-metallic inclusions in metals and alloys, SIS (Swedish Standards Institute)
  8. ISO 4967:2013, Steel - Determination of content of non-metallic inclusions - Micrographic method using standard diagrams, International Organization for Standardization
  9. ASTM E1245 - 03 (2016), Standard Practice for Determining the Inclusion or Second-Phase Constituent Content of Metals by Automatic Image Analysis, ASTM International (American Section of the International Association for Testing Materials)
  10. ASTM E2142 - 08 (2015), Standard Test Methods for Rating and Classifying Inclusions in Steel Using the Scanning Electron Microscope, ASTM International (American Section of the International Association for Testing Materials)
  11. ASTM E2283 - 08 (2014), Standard Practice for Extreme Value Analysis of Nonmetallic Inclusions in Steel and Other Microstructural Features, ASTM International (American Section of the International Association for Testing Materials)
  12. ASTM E768 - 99 (2010) e1, Standard Guide for Preparing and Evaluating Specimens for Automatic Inclusion Assessment of Steel, ASTM International (American Section of the International Association for Testing Materials)
  13. Handbook of Comparative World Steel Standards, ASTM DS67B, 5th Edition, John E. Bringas, Ed. (ASTM International, 2004)
  14. Stahlschlüssel - Key to Steel, 25th Edition (Verlag Stahlschlüssel Wegst, 2019)
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