


探索专为神经外科、眼科、整形外科、耳鼻喉科和牙科 HCP 量身定制的科学和临床综合资源,包括行业洞见、临床案例研究和专题研讨会。重点突出手术显微镜的最新进展,让您了解AR荧光、三维可视化和术中OCT成像等尖端技术如何赋能复杂手术决策的信心和精准操作。


Prof. Fontana uses the Proveo 8 with EnFocus intraoperative OCT for his corneal surgery.

How does Real-Time OCT Imaging Impact Precision in Corneal Surgery?

Corneal surgery is a highly specialized field. It requires great surgical precision to overcome challenges such as visualizing clearly the full anterior chamber, performing Descemet membrane peeling…

RPE65 基因治疗视网膜下注射:术中 OCT 的优点

术中 OCT 如何支持 RPE65 基因治疗视网膜下注射程序以监测视网膜下滤泡、中心凹拉伸和视网膜切开术闭合。
Applying dispersive viscoelastic to coat the anterior chamber. Image courtesy of Arsham Sheybani, MD, Washington University School of Medicine.

Dislocated Cataract Angle Closure Aided by Intraoperative OCT

Learn how a dislocated cataract was treated with angle closure assisted by intraoperative OCT to achieve long-term good results without future lens dislocation.
Dr. Sheybani places the new subconjunctival stent in the anterior chamber. Images courtesy of Arsham Sheybani, MD.


[Translate to chinese:] Prof. Nikolaos Bechrakis uses the Proveo 8 ceiling mounted microscope with EnFocus intraoperative OCT. Images provided by Prof. Nikolaos Bechrakis.

后节手术: 利用术中OCT技术的好处

术中光学相干断层扫描 (OCT) 支持后段病变的精确定位、评估和管理,在后段和玻璃体手术中提供先进的可视化和洞察力。
[Translate to chinese:] Keratoplasty of pathologic cornea


[Translate to chinese:] Dr. Ozana Moraru shares two primary open-angle glaucoma cases in which trabeculectomy bleb needling was performed using the Leica M844 microscope with EnFocus intraoperative OCT. Image courtesy of Dr. Ozana Moraru.


青光眼是导致全球失明的主要原因之一。青光眼手术可以延缓疾病的发展。在青光眼手术过程中,术中光学相干断层扫描(OCT)的使用为眼科外科医生提供了更佳的可视化效果,让他们更深入地了解表面下组织对手术操作的反应。 莫拉鲁博士通过两个原发性开角型青光眼(POAG)的临床病例强调了它的价值。
Intraoperative OCT-assisted complex cataract surgery. Image courtesy of Dr. Ozana Moraru.

眼科: 复杂白内障手术中的可视化

白内障手术是最常见的眼科手术。为了满足白内障手术的需要,Ozana Moraru 博士使用了 Leica Microsystems 的 M844 显微镜和 EnFocus 术中光学相干断层扫描 (OCT) 以及 3D 可视化系统。在本案例研究中,她介绍了术中光学相干断层扫描如何为标准和复杂的白内障手术病例提供有用信息。
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