


[Translate to chinese:] How the M822 microscope enhances surgical precision in eye surgeries - Insights from Dr. Dhami. Image courtesy of Dr. Abhinav Dhami.

听听Dhami 医生关于购买眼科显微镜的专业见解

在本文中,了解来自印度北部的眼科手术顾问Abhinav Dhami医生如何使用Leica Microsystems的M822眼科显微镜来提高他的手术精确度,以及哪些关键特性使他决定购买这款眼科显微镜用于他的实践。
Applying dispersive viscoelastic to coat the anterior chamber. Image courtesy of Arsham Sheybani, MD, Washington University School of Medicine.

Dislocated Cataract Angle Closure Aided by Intraoperative OCT

Learn how a dislocated cataract was treated with angle closure assisted by intraoperative OCT to achieve long-term good results without future lens dislocation.
Intraoperative OCT-assisted complex cataract surgery. Image courtesy of Dr. Ozana Moraru.

眼科: 复杂白内障手术中的可视化

白内障手术是最常见的眼科手术。为了满足白内障手术的需要,Ozana Moraru 博士使用了 Leica Microsystems 的 M844 显微镜和 EnFocus 术中光学相干断层扫描 (OCT) 以及 3D 可视化系统。在本案例研究中,她介绍了术中光学相干断层扫描如何为标准和复杂的白内障手术病例提供有用信息。
[Translate to chinese:] Dr. Tawfik with the Proveo 8 surgical microscope.



How to Select a Microscope for Cataract Surgery

What to consider in the selection of an ophthalmic microscope for cataract procedures. Bearing these aspects in mind will equip surgeons well for talks with manufacturer representatives. Many…

Overcoming Ophthalmologic Surgery Challenges

Ophthalmology surgical procedures involving both the anterior and posterior segment can be particularly challenging. Good visualization is required to operate with precision and confidence. Prof.…


在本次网络研讨会中,Thompson博士和Moshirfar博士将解释徕卡显微镜在以下手术的中作用:在LIKE手术中多焦IOL和角膜嵌体(例如Kamra和Lenticular Grafts)的置中处理。
Proveo lightbeam

使用CoAx 4 四光束同轴立体照明技术实施的白内障手术

稳定的红光反射是白内障手术所用的眼科手术显微镜的最重要功能之一。红光反射让手术医生可以观察到晶状体结构,为其安全成功地实施手术提供清晰的视野。如何能清晰的观察到晶状体结构,特别是在手术过程中的超声乳化、晶状体摘除以及人工晶状体植入等关键阶段,始终提供稳定的红光反射,是手术显微镜面临的挑战。 但在白内障超声乳化等手术的关键阶段,传统手术显微镜的红光反射照明通常会减弱。而一种具有四条独立光路的新照明…
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