


Transgenic zebrafish larva where fluorescent proteins label the heart muscle blue, blood and blood vessels red, and all circulatory system cells green. Image recorded with a M205 FA microscope.

Imaging and Analyzing Zebrafish, Medaka, and Xenopus

Discover how to image and analyze zebrafish, medaka, and Xenopus frog model organisms efficiently with a microscope for developmental biology applications from this article.
[Translate to chinese:] Fluorescence stereo microscope image of anesthetized Mediterranean fruit flies recorded with a M205 stereo microscope.

研究果蝇(黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster)

[Translate to chinese:] C. elegans

研究秀丽隐杆线虫(C. elegans)

对于在研究实验室或教室中使用秀丽隐杆线虫(C. elegans)的科学家、技术人员和教师,本报告旨在提供有用的信息,以帮助改进他们的日常工作。其目的是使拾取虫体、转基因、RNA干扰、筛选和功能成像等工作步骤更加高效。本报告还详细介绍了配置研究虫实验室或生物教室/教学实验室的各种可能性,并解释了有关研究虫体方法的内容。
An ID card which has been tampered with by counterfeiters who inserted a hologram.

Is that Document Genuine or Fake? How do They Identify Fake Documents?

This article shows how forensic experts use microscopy for analysis to identify counterfeit, fake documents, such as ID cards, passports, visas, certificates, etc. Then they know if it is genuine or…
[Translate to chinese:] A portion of an early binocular microscope developed by John Leonhard Riddel in the early 1850s.


本文概述了从 1600 年至今体视显微镜的发展和演变。直到 19 世纪中叶,所有光学显微镜都是手工制作的。由于无法准确预测透镜的特性,因此必须通过反复试验来制作和测试透镜,直到达到理想的效果。
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