


TauSTED 775 resolves the intricate cytoskeleton network labeled with SiR-tubulin (glow - Spyrochrome), and trafficking vesicles labeled with CF594 (cyan - Biotium).

A Guide to Super-Resolution

Find out more about Leica super-resolution microscopy solutions and how they can empower you to visualize in fine detail subcellular structures and dynamics.


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通用 PAINT – 动态超分辨率显微镜


Sample Preparation for GSDIM Localization Microscopy – Protocols and Tips

The widefield super-resolution technique GSDIM (Ground State Depletion followed by individual molecule return) is a localization microscopy technique that is capable of resolving details as small as…

Controlling the TIRF Penetration Depth is Mandatory for Reproducible Results

The main feature of total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy is the employment of an evanescent wave for the excitation of fluorophores instead of using direct light. A property of the…
TIRF image of brest carcinoma tumor cells expressing GFP tagged cell adhesion Molecule CD44 that is expressed on the cell membrane, imagined in TIRF.

Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) Microscopy

Total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) is a special technique in fluorescence microscopy developed by Daniel Axelrod at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in the early 1980s. TIRF microscopy…

超分辨率 GSDIM 显微镜

纳米级技术GSDIM(基态耗尽显微镜后单分子返回)提供了细胞内蛋白质和其他生物分子空间排列的详细图像。目前市场上已有首个商业系统(Leica SR GSD),它正在帮助将GSDIM技术推广给更多研究实验室和成像中心的用户。
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