Duane Mol , Dr.

Dr. Duane Mol has a special interest in hearing repair and nasal reconstruction. He has been in private practice for 16 years, and founded the Microtia & Atresia group in South Africa. Dr. Mol was one of the first in the world to implant a single sided deafness patient with a Cochlea Implant using a hearing preservation technique for isolated high frequency hearing loss. He is actively involved in teaching, regularly delivering training courses. He has also published several articles in scientific journals.
耳鼻喉科手术的数量逐年增加。 据估计,到2022年,全球每年进行的耳鼻喉科手术将超过2100万例。
Duane Mol医生是南非约翰内斯堡耳眼诊所的主任,同时也是该诊所的耳科医生和耳鼻喉科外科医生。此外,他还是国际耳鼻喉科网络LION的南非代表。