
INFINITY TIRF 全内反射荧光系统 DMi8 S 模块



Universal PAINT – Dynamic Super-Resolution Microscopy

Super-resolution microscopy techniques have revolutionized biology for the last ten years. With their help cellular components can now be visualized at the size of a protein. Nevertheless, imaging…

Sample Preparation for GSDIM Localization Microscopy – Protocols and Tips

The widefield super-resolution technique GSDIM (Ground State Depletion followed by individual molecule return) is a localization microscopy technique that is capable of resolving details as small as…

Controlling the TIRF Penetration Depth is Mandatory for Reproducible Results

The main feature of total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy is the employment of an evanescent wave for the excitation of fluorophores instead of using direct light. A property of the…
TIRF image of brest carcinoma tumor cells expressing GFP tagged cell adhesion Molecule CD44 that is expressed on the cell membrane, imagined in TIRF.

Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) Microscopy

Total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) is a special technique in fluorescence microscopy developed by Daniel Axelrod at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in the early 1980s. TIRF microscopy…

Super-Resolution GSDIM Microscopy

The nanoscopic technique GSDIM (ground state depletion microscopy followed by individual molecule return) provides a detailed image of the spatial arrangement of proteins and other biomolecules within…



将视角从单一的显微镜组件转向完整的活细胞成像解决方案,徕卡公司将显微镜、LAS X 成像软件、相机和第三方专用组件集成在一起,形成一个完整的活细胞成像系统。



超高分辨率显微镜 STED&GSDIM



如果您的研究重点是探究人类健康和疾病相关的细胞学基础,那么从时空和分子层面详细研究感兴趣的细胞至关重要。 因此,显微成像是细胞生物学中一个非常重要的工具,它让您能够在样本的结构环境中详细研究样本,也可以分析细胞器和大分子。 细胞生物学成像是运用一系列的光学显微镜和电子显微镜完成的。 徕卡显微系统公司推出的成像解决方案专为扩展您的细胞生物学研究而设计。


您的主要研究对象是病毒感染和疾病吗? 了解如何使用徕卡显微系统公司的成像和样本制备解决方案深入研究病毒学。


先进显微镜技术包括高分辨和超分辨成像技术。这些技术主要用于以极高的分辨率将生物事件可视化,同时对样本(通常是细胞或组织)尽可能地温和。 研究人员可以在先进显微镜技术的帮助下检查和理解对生物途径、基因或蛋白质表达、疾病机制等有重大影响的生物分子。
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