Leica DM3000 和 DM3000 LED 具有智能自动化功能的独特人体工程学系统显微镜



Publications 2019

New genera, a new species, and a key to the genera of Ashieldophyinae (Acari, Eriophyoidea) from India
Chakrabarti S, Pandit R, Sur S
2019 vol: 843 pp: 39-49

NADPH Oxidase Hyperactivity Contributes to Cardiac Dysfunction and Apoptosis in Rats with Severe Experimental Pancreatitis through ROS-Mediated MAPK Signaling Pathway
Wen Y, Liu R, Lin N, Luo H, Tang J, et. al.
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity
2019 vol: 2019 pp: 1-18

Role of c-MET Inhibitors in Overcoming Drug Resistance in Spheroid Models of Primary Human Pancreatic Cancer and Stellate Cells
Firuzi O, Che P, El Hassouni B, Buijs M, Coppola S, et. al.
2019 vol: 11 (5) pp: 638

Cytotoxic effects of bio-pesticide spinosad on human lung A549 cells
Zhang Y, Chen H, Fan Y, Yang Y, Gao J, et. al.
2019 vol: 230 pp: 182-189

Enhanced migration of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells with tetramethylpyrazine and its synergistic effect on angiogenesis and neurogenesis after cerebral ischemia in rats
Li L, Chu L, Ren C, Wang J, Sun S, et. al.
Stem Cells and Development
2019 pp: scd.2018.0254

Transcranial Magneto-Acoustic Stimulation Improves Neuroplasticity in Hippocampus of Parkinson’s Disease Model Mice
Wang Y, Feng L, Liu S, Zhou X, Yin T, et. al.
2019 pp: 1-15

Optimizing Periplasmic Expression in Escherichia coli for the Production of Recombinant Proteins Tagged with the Small Metal-Binding Protein SmbP
Santos B, Morones-Ramirez J, Balderas-Renteria I, Casillas-Vega N, Galbraith D, et. al.
Molecular Biotechnology
2019 vol: 61 (6) pp: 451-460

Aggregation Induced Emission Based Sensing Platform for Selective Detection of Zn2+: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations
Goswami S, Naskar B, Dhara A, Maiti D, Kukułka M, et. al.
2019 pp: cphc.201900113

LongShengZhi Capsule reduces carrageenan-induced thrombosis by reducing activation of platelets and endothelial cells
Li Q, Chen Y, Zhao D, Yang S, Zhang S, et. al.
Pharmacological Research
2019 vol: 144 pp: 167-180

Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation ameliorates recognition memory impairment induced by hindlimb unloading in mice associated with BDNF/TrkB signaling
Zhai B, Fu J, Xiang S, Shang Y, Yan Y, et. al.
Neuroscience Research

Antimicrobial peptide KR-32 alleviates Escherichia coli K88–induced fatty acid malabsorption by improving expression of FATP41
Liu H, Cao X, Wang H, Zhao J, Wang X, et. al.
Journal of Animal Science

Transcriptomics and Immunological Analyses Reveal a Pro-Angiogenic and Anti-Inflammatory Phenotype for Decidual Endothelial Cells
Agostinis C, Masat E, Bossi F, Ricci G, Menegazzi R, et. al.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2019 vol: 20 (7) pp: 1604

Inhibition of oleandrin on the proliferation and invasion of osteosarcoma cells in vitro by suppressing Wnt/[beta]-catenin signaling pathway
Ma Y, Zhu B, Liu X, Yu H, Yong L, et. al.
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research
2015 vol: 34 (1)

Potential of fungi isolated from the dumping sites mangrove rhizosphere soil to degrade polythene
Sangale M, Shahnawaz M, Ade A
Scientific Reports
2019 vol: 9 (1) pp: 5390

Biocompatibility and biodegradation properties of polycaprolactone/polydioxanone composite scaffolds prepared by blend or co-electrospinning
Zhou X, Pan Y, Liu R, Luo X, Zeng X, et. al.
Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers
2019 vol: 34 (2) pp: 115-130

Triggering of a Dll4–Notch1 loop impairs wound healing in diabetes
Zheng X, Narayanan S, Sunkari V, Eliasson S, Botusan I, et. al.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
2019 vol: 116 (14) pp: 6985-6994

Microspalax atlanticus sp. nov. (Acariformes: Alloptidae), the first feather mite from a procellariiform bird in Brazil (Aves: Procellariiformes)
Hernandes F
Systematic and Applied Acarology
2019 vol: 24 (3) pp: 414

Taxonomy and toxicity of Prorocentrum from Perhentian Islands (Malaysia), with a description of a non-toxigenic species Prorocentrum malayense sp. nov. (Dinophyceae)
Lim Z, Luo Z, Lee L, Hii K, Teng S, et. al.
Harmful Algae
2019 vol: 83 pp: 95-108

Nanotopographical polymeric surface with mussel-inspired decoration to enhance osteoblast differentiation
Yin H, Mao C, Liu W, Liu Y, Ren Y, et. al.
Applied Surface Science
2019 vol: 481 pp: 987-993

Interactive effects between donor and recipient species mediate fitness costs of heterospecific pollen receipt in a co-flowering community
Arceo-Gómez G, Kaczorowski R, Patel C, Ashman T
2019 vol: 189 (4) pp: 1041-1047

Azadirachtin inhibits amyloid formation, disaggregates pre-formed fibrils and protects pancreatic β-cells from human islet amyloid polypeptide/amylin-induced cytotoxicity
Dubey R, Patil K, Dantu S, Sardesai D, Bhatia P, et. al.
The Biochemical journal
2019 vol: 476 (5) pp: 889-907

A quick accelerating microwave-assisted sustainable technique: permutated spiro-casing for imaging experiment
Mondal A, Naskar B, Goswami S, Prodhan C, Chaudhuri K, et. al.
Molecular Diversity
2019 pp: 1-14

Atherogenic LOX-1 signaling is controlled by SPPL2-mediated intramembrane proteolysis
Mentrup T, Theodorou K, Cabrera-Cabrera F, Helbig A, Happ K, et. al.
The Journal of Experimental Medicine
2019 vol: 216 (4) pp: 807-830

Ca2+-induced whey protein emulgels for the encapsulation of crystalline nobiletin: Effect of nobiletin crystals on the viscoelasticity
Hu Y, Shu Q, Liu F, Lei L, Li B, et. al.
Food Hydrocolloids
2019 vol: 94 pp: 57-62

Antiapoptosis effect of ZiShen prescription to increase learning and memory abilities of compound Alzheimer's disease model rats
Wei Z, Zhang Y, Chen Y, Xia X, Zheng B, et. al.
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry
2019 vol: 120 (7) pp: 11241-11247

lncRNA ZEB1-AS1 promotes pulmonary fibrosis through ZEB1-mediated epithelial–mesenchymal transition by competitively binding miR-141-3p
Qian W, Cai X, Qian Q, Peng W, Yu J, et. al.
Cell Death & Disease
2019 vol: 10 (2) pp: 129

A fluorescein-based chemosensor for “turn-on” detection of Hg2+ and the resultant complex as a fluorescent sensor for S2− in semi-aqueous medium with cell-imaging application: experimental and computational studies
Mohammad H, Islam A, Prodhan C, Ali M
New Journal of Chemistry
2019 vol: 43 (14) pp: 5297-5307

A smart molecular probe for selective recognition of nitric oxide in 100% aqueous solution with cell imaging application and DFT studies
Dutta A, Islam A, Maiti D, Sasmal M, Pradhan C, et. al.
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry
2019 vol: 17 (9) pp: 2492-2501

Biofilm dynamics and EPS production of a thermoacidophilic bioleaching archaeon
Zhang R, Neu T, Blanchard V, Vera M, Sand W
New Biotechnology
2019 vol: 51 pp: 21-30

Nonglutaraldehyde Fixation for off the Shelf Decellularized Bovine Pericardium in Anticalcification Cardiac Valve Applications
Liu J, Jing H, Qin Y, Li B, Sun Z, et. al.
ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering
2019 vol: 5 (3) pp: 1452-1461

Dansyl-appended CuII-complex-based nitroxyl (HNO) sensing with living cell imaging application and DFT studies
Maiti D, Islam A, Dutta A, Sasmal M, Prodhan C, et. al.
Dalton Transactions
2019 vol: 48 (8) pp: 2760-2771

Chronic neurodegeneration induces type I interferon synthesis via STING, shaping microglial phenotype and accelerating disease progression
Nazmi A, Field R, Griffin E, Haugh O, Hennessy E, et. al.
2019 vol: 67 (7) pp: 1254-1276

Interspecies comparative features of trichomes in Ocimum reveal insights for biosynthesis of specialized essential oil metabolites
Maurya S, Chandra M, Yadav R, Narnoliya L, Sangwan R, et. al.
2019 pp: 1-15

The Role of Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid on Dedifferentiation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells by Modulation of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and as an Oral Drug Inhibiting In-Stent Restenosis
Luo H, Zhou C, Chi J, Pan S, Lin H, et. al.
Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy
2019 vol: 33 (1) pp: 25-33

Construction of multicellular aggregate by E-cadherin coated microparticles enhancing the hepatic specific differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells
Cao L, Zhang Y, Qian M, Wang X, Shuai Q, et. al.
Acta Biomaterialia

Regulation of microRNA-29c in the nucleus accumbens modulates methamphetamine -induced locomotor sensitization in mice
Su H, Zhu L, Li J, Wang R, Liu D, et. al.
2019 vol: 148 pp: 160-168

Publications 2018

Comparison of some anatomical, chemical and fibrous characteristics of Turkish Pine (Pinus Brutia Ten.) sampled from different regions
Durmaz E, Ateş S, Abuamoud M, Yiğit N
Kastamonu Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi

Characterization of a fluorescent hydrogel synthesized using chitosan, polyvinyl alcohol and 9-anthraldehyde for the selective detection and discrimination of trace Fe3+ and Fe2+ in water for live-cell imaging
Maity S, Parshi N, Prodhan C, Chaudhuri K, Ganguly J
Carbohydrate Polymers
2018 vol: 193 pp: 119-128

Deficiency of liver-derived insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) does not interfere with the skin wound healing rate
Botusan I, Zheng X, Narayanan S, Grünler J, Sunkari V, et. al.
2018 vol: 13 (3) pp: e0193084

Flurbiprofen Axetil Attenuates Cerebral Ischemia Reperfusion Injury by Reducing Inflammation in a Rat Model of Transient Global Cerebral Ischemia Reperfusion
Wu H, Tang C, Tai L, et. al.
Bioscience Reports
2018 pp: BSR20171562

Abdominal subcutaneous and visceral adipocyte size, lipolysis and inflammation relate to insulin resistance in male obese humans
Verboven K, Wouters K, Gaens K, Hansen D, Bijnen M, et. al.
Scientific Reports
2018 vol: 8 (1) pp: 4677

Propofol Attenuates Airway Inflammation in a Mast Cell-Dependent Mouse Model of Allergic Asthma by Inhibiting the Toll-like Receptor 4/Reactive Oxygen Species/Nuclear Factor κB Signaling Pathway
Li H, Meng J, Liu Z, Liu X, Huang Y, Zhao J

Effect of high-frequency loading and parathyroid hormone administration on peri-implant bone healing and osseointegration
Shibamoto A, Ogawa T, Duyck J, Vandamme K, Naert I, et. al.
International Journal of Oral Science
2018 vol: 10 (1) pp: 6

Systemic inflammation without gliosis mediates cognitive deficits through impaired BDNF expression in bile duct ligation model of hepatic encephalopathy
Dhanda S, Gupta S, Halder A, Sunkaria A, Sandhir R
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity

Loss of SDHB reprograms energy metabolisms and inhibits high fat diet induced metabolic syndromes
Zhu Y, Chen Q, Mu C, Ma B, Zhang C, et. al.
2018 pp: 259226

Isoflurane anesthesia in aged mice and effects of A1 adenosine receptors on cognitive impairment
Zuo C, Wang C, Liu J, Shen T, Zhou J, et. al.
CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics
2018 vol: 24 (3) pp: 212-221

Histology, immunohistochemistry, and in situ hybridization reveal overlooked Ebola virus target tissues in the Ebola virus disease guinea pig model
Cooper T, Huzella L, Johnson J, et. al.
Scientific Reports
2018 vol: 8 (1) pp: 1250

A new fluorescence turn-on chemosensor for nanomolar detection of Al3+ constructed from a pyridine–pyrazole system
Naskar B, Das K, Mondal R, Maiti D, Requena A, et. al.
New Journal of Chemistry
2018 vol: 42 (4) pp: 2933-2941

Western Diet Triggers NLRP3-Dependent Innate Immune Reprogramming
Christ A, Günther P, Lauterbach M, Duewell P, Biswas D, et. al.
2018 vol: 172 (1-2) pp: 162-175.e14

Adaptations of white spruce to climate: strong intraspecific differences in cold hardiness linked to survival
Sebastian-Azcona J, Hacke U, Hamann A
Ecology and Evolution
2018 vol: 8 (3) pp: 1758-1768

A novel 3D heterotypic spheroid model for studying extracellular vesicle-mediated tumour and immune cell communication
Sadovska L, Zandberga E, Sagini K, Jēkabsons K, Riekstiņa U, et. al.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
2018 vol: 495 (2) pp: 1930-1935

Multifunctional hybrid micelles with tunable active targeting and acid/phosphatase-stimulated drug release for enhanced tumor suppression
Liu X, Li Y, Tan X, Rao R, Ren Y, et. al.
2018 vol: 157 pp: 136-148

I 2 catalyzed access of spiro[indoline-3,4′-pyridine] appended amine dyad: new ON–OFF chemosensors for Cu2+ and imaging in living cells
Mondal A, Naskar B, Goswami S, Prodhan C, Chaudhuri K, et. al.
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry
2018 vol: 16 (2) pp: 302-315

A hydrazone based probe for selective sensing of Al(iii) and Al(iii)-probe complex mediated secondary sensing of PPi: framing of molecular logic circuit and memory device and computational studies
Mohammad H, Islam A, Prodhan C, Chaudhuri K, Ali M
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences
2018 vol: 17 (2) pp: 200-212

Electrospinning of novel calixarene-functionalized PAN and PMMA nanofibers: Comparison of fluorescent protein adsorption performance
Keskinates M, Yilmaz B, Ulusu Y, Bayrakci M
Materials Chemistry and Physics
2018 vol: 205 pp: 522-529

Publications 2017

Dietary fatty acids on aortic root calcification in mice with metabolic syndrome
Naranjo M, Bermudez B, Garcia I, et. al.
Food & Function
2017 vol: 8 (4) pp: 1468-1474

A new genus and two new species of grass feeding phyllocoptine mites (Acari: Eriophyoidea) from West Bengal, India
Journal of the Acarological Society of Japan
2017 vol: 26 (2) pp: 73-82

The protective effects of magnolol on acute trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid‑induced colitis in rats
Zhang Y, Fu L, Tang F
Molecular Medicine Reports

Comparative Study on Genotoxicity of Nano-Zinc Oxide and Bulk-Zinc Oxide Based on Micronucleus Test Technique of V. faba. Root Tip Cells
Pan S, Qiu F, Ping Z, Geng R, Xu X, et. al.
Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy
2017 vol: 11 (5) pp: 505-509

A benzimidazole-based chemodosimeter for the fluorometric detection of Zn and Cu via 1,5 proton shifts and C–N bond cleavage
Basu Roy S, Prodhan C, Chaudhuri K, Rajak K, Xu D, et. al.
Photochem. Photobiol. Sci.
2017 vol: 56 pp: 279

Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability Is Exacerbated in Experimental Model of Hepatic Encephalopathy via MMP-9 Activation and Downregulation of Tight Junction Proteins
Dhanda S, Sandhir R
Molecular Neurobiology
2017 pp: 1-18

NDGA-P21, a novel derivative of nordihydroguaiaretic acid, inhibits glioma cell proliferation and stemness
Zhao Q, Lin Y, Xu C, Yao Y, Cui Y, et. al.
Laboratory Investigation

5,7,3′,4′-Tetramethoxyflavone protects chondrocytes from ER stress-induced apoptosis through regulation of the IRE1α pathway
Wu L, Liu H, Li L, Xu D, Gao Y, et. al.
Connective Tissue Research
2017 pp: 1-10

In vivo inhibitory activity of andrographolide derivative ADN-9 against liver cancer and its mechanisms involved in inhibition of tumor angiogenesis
Yang W, Zhao J, Wang Y, Xu H, Wu Z, et. al.
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
2017 vol: 327 pp: 1-12

Fabrication of nanoemulsion-filled alginate hydrogel to control the digestion behavior of hydrophobic nobiletin
Lei L, Zhang Y, He L, Wu S, Li B, et. al.
LWT - Food Science and Technology
2017 vol: 82 pp: 260-267

Reduced RKIP expression levels are associated with frequent non-small cell lung cancer metastasis and STAT3 phosphorylation and activation
Wang A, Duan G, Zhao C, Gao Y, Liu X, et. al.
Oncology Letters

Rtfc (4931414P19Rik) Regulates in vitro Thyroid Differentiation and in vivo Thyroid Function
Yu Y, Liu C, Zhang J, Zhang M, Wen W, et. al.
Scientific Reports
2017 vol: 7 pp: 43396

Dietary fatty acids on aortic root calcification in mice with metabolic syndrome
Naranjo M, Bermudez B, Garcia I, Lopez S, Abia R, et. al.
Food Funct.
2017 vol: 8 (4) pp: 1468-1474

Neuroprotective effect of salvianolic acid B against cerebral ischemic injury in rats via the CD40/NF-κB pathway associated with suppression of platelets activation and neuroinflammation
Xu S, Zhong A, Ma H, Li D, Hu Y, et. al.
Brain Research
2017 vol: 1661 pp: 37-48

Biocompatibility and Effectiveness Evaluation of a New Hemostatic Embolization Agent: Thrombin Loaded Alginate Calcium Microsphere
Xuan F, Rong J, Liang M, Zhang X, Sun J, et. al.
BioMed Research International
2017 vol: 2017 pp: 1-10

An Histological Study on Mercury-Induced Gonadal Impairment in Javanese Medaka (Oryzias javanicus)
Abd Aziz F, Zulkifli S, Mohamat-Yusuff F, Azmai M, Ismail A
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2017 vol: 17 (3)

Expression of Neuronal and Non-Neuronal Markers in the Vomeronasal Organs of One-Humped Camel (Camelus dromedarius) and Egyptian Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
Emam M, El-Shafey A, Kassab A
International Journal of Morphology
2016 vol: 34 (4) pp: 1211-1217

Salt management strategy defines the stem and leaf hydraulic characteristics of six mangrove tree species
Jiang G, Goodale U, Liu Y, Hao G, Cao K
Tree Physiology

A novel three-input monomolecular logic circuit on a rhodamine inspired bio-compatible bi-compartmental molecular platform
Mistri T, Bhowmick R, Katarkar A, Chaudhuri K, Ali M
Journal of Luminescence
2017 vol: 185 pp: 228-235

γδ T cells are indispensable for interleukin-23-mediated protection against Concanavalin A-induced hepatitis in hepatitis B virus transgenic mice
Meng Z, Wang J, Yuan Y, Cao G, Fan S, et. al.
2017 vol: 151 (1) pp: 43-55

Genomic characterization of Ensifer aridi, a proposed new species of nitrogen-fixing rhizobium recovered from Asian, African and American deserts
Le Quéré A, Tak N, Gehlot H, Lavire C, Meyer T et. al.
BMC Genomics
2017 vol: 18 (1) pp: 85

miR-199b-5p is a regulator of left ventricular remodeling following myocardial infarction
Duygu B, Poels E, Juni R, Bitsch N, Ottaviani L, et. al.
Non-coding RNA Research
2017 vol: 2 (1) pp: 18-26

Synthesis and exploration of novel radiolabeled bombesin peptides for targeting receptor positive tumor
De K, Banerjee I, Sinha S, Ganguly S
2017 vol: 89 pp: 17-34

Effect of repeated cycled crystallization on digestibility and molecular structure of glutinous Bora rice starch
Borah P, Deka S, Duary R
Food Chemistry
2017 vol: 223 pp: 31-39

Fluorescent sensing of Al3+ by benzophenone based Schiff base chemosensor and live cell imaging applications: Impact of keto-enol tautomerism
Naskar B, Modak R, Sikdar Y, Maiti D, Bauzá A, et. al.
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical
2017 vol: 239 pp: 1194-1204

Publications 2016

Identification and characterization of Daldinia eschscholtzii isolated from skin scrapings, nails, and blood
Ng K, Chan C, Yew S, Yeo S, Toh Y, et. al.
2016 vol: 4 pp: e2637

Trichostatin A increases radiosensitization of tongue squamous cell carcinoma via miR‑375
Jia L, Zhang S, Huang Y, Zheng Y, Gan Y
Oncology Reports

TGF-β1 Induces Polypyrimidine Tract-Binding Protein to Alter Fibroblasts Proliferation and Fibronectin Deposition in Keloid
Jiao H, Dong P, Yan L, Yang Z, Lv X, et. al.
Scientific Reports
2016 vol: 6 pp: 38033

Effect of creatine on rat sciatic nerve injury: a comparative ultrastructural study
Helvacioglu F, Kandemir E, Karabacak B, Karatas I, Pecen A, Ercan I, Sencelikel T, Dagdeviren A
Turkish Neurosurgery

Diatom Nitzschia navis-varingica (Bacillariophyceae) and its domoic acid production from the mangrove environments of Malaysia
Tan S,, Teng S, Lim H, Kotaki Y, Bates S, et. al.
Harmful Algae
2016 vol: 60 pp: 139-149

Identification and characterization of a thermostable and cobalt-dependent amidase from Burkholderia phytofirmans ZJB-15079 for efficient synthesis of (R)-3,3,3-trifluoro-2-hydroxy-2-methylpropionic acid
Wu Z, Zheng R, Tang X, Zheng Y
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
2016 pp: 1-12

Glucocorticoid effects on cerebellar development in a chicken embryo model: exploring changes in PAX6 and MMP‐9 after exposure to dexamethasone
Austdal L, Bjørnstad S, Mathisen G, Aden P, Mikkola I, et. al.
Journal of Neuroendocrinology

Calcium-induced apoptosis of developing cerebellar granule neurons depends causally on NGFI-B
Austdal L, Mathisen G, Løberg E, Paulsen R
International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience
2016 vol: 55 pp: 82-90

Neo-tanshinlactone D-ring modified novel analogues induce apoptosis in human breast cancer cell via DNA damage
Banerji B, Killi S, Katarkar A, Chatterjee S, Tangella Y, et. al.
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry

Bergenin attenuates renal injury by reversing mitochondrial dysfunction in ethylene glycol induced hyperoxaluric rat model
Aggarwal D, Gautam D, Sharma M, Singla S
European Journal of Pharmacology
2016 vol: 791 pp: 611-621

Cross-generational effects of parental low dose BPA exposure on the Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone3 system and larval behavior in medaka (Oryzias latipes)
Inagaki T, Smith N, Sherva K, Ramakrishnan S
2016 vol: 57 pp: 163-173

Postnatal onset of retinal degeneration by loss of embryonic Ezh2 repression of Six1
Yan N, Cheng L, Cho K, Malik M, Xiao L, et. al.
Scientific Reports
2016 vol: 6 pp: 33887

Effects of different sutures on fibrosis and wound healing in a rabbit model of corneal wounds
Li Y, Chen H, Zhang H, Wu J, Hu Y, et. al.
Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine

Overexpression of TAT-PTD-diapause hormone fusion protein in tobacco and its effect on the larval development of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Zhou Z, Li Y, Yuan C, Doucet D, Zhang Y, et. al.
Pest Management Science

Micronuclei and dyskaryosis of erythrocytes and oxidative stress response with endosulfan exposure in topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva
Wu H, Ding S
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
2016 vol: 134 pp: 179-185

MiR-21-5p Links Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Phenotype with Stem-Like Cell Signatures via AKT Signaling in Keloid Keratinocytes
Yan L Cao R Liu Y Wang L Pan B et. al.
Scientific Reports
2016 vol: 6 pp: 28281

Estimating real cell size distribution from cross-section microscopy imaging
Lenz M, Roumans N, Vink R, van Baak M, Mariman E, et. al.
Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)
2016 vol: 32 (17) pp: i396-i404

Osseointegration and implant stability of extraoral implants in Göttingen minipigs after irradiation
Poort L, Kiewiet C, Cleutjens J, Houben R, Hoebers F, et. al.
Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery
2016 vol: 44 (11) pp: 1842-1848

Olive oil, compared to a saturated dietary fat, has a protective role on atherosclerosis in niacin-treated mice with metabolic syndrome
Montserrat-de la Paz S, Naranjo M, Lopez S, Abia R, Muriana F, et. al.
Journal of Functional Foods
2016 vol: 26 pp: 557-564

Propofol inhibits T-helper cell type-2 differentiation by inducing apoptosis via activating gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor
Meng J, Xin X, Liu Z, Li H, Huang B, et. al.
Journal of Surgical Research
2016 vol: 206 (2) pp: 442-450

Methanolic extract of Anthocephalus cadamba induces apoptosis in Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells in experimental mice
Dolai Islam A, Haldar P
Indian Journal of Pharmacology
2016 vol: 48 (4) pp: 445

Time-course metabolic changes in high-fat diet-induced obesity rats: A pilot study using hyperpolarized 13C dynamic MRS
Kim G, Ahn K, Kim Y, Jeong G
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
2016 vol: 34 (8) pp: 1199-1205

Reduced skeletal muscle satellite cell number alters muscle morphology after chronic stretch but allows limited serial sarcomere addition
Kinney M, Dayanidhi S, Dykstra P, McCarthy J, Peterson C, et. al.
Muscle & Nerve

Pre-ovipositional and ovipositional behaviour of Lasioseius ometes (Oudemans) and Hypoaspis kargi Costa (Acari: Dermanyssiae: Ascidae, Laelapidae) with notes on egg protection strategies in Mesostigmata
Marquardt T, Kaczmarek S, Krantz G
Journal of Natural History
2016 vol: 50 (23-24) pp: 1473-1482

Activation of liver X receptor inhibits the development of pulmonary carcinomas induced by 3-methylcholanthrene and butylated hydroxytoluene in BALB/c mice
Wang Q, Sun L, Yang X, Ma X, Li Q, et. al.
Scientific Reports
2016 vol: 6 pp: 27295

Functional Characteristics of Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells from Pituitary Adenomas
Megnis K, Mandrika I, Petrovska R, Stukens J, Rovite V, et. al.
Stem Cells International
2016 vol: 2016 pp: 1-11

Expression of calbindin-D9k and vitamin D receptor in the uterus of Egyptian buffalo during follicular and luteal phases
Emam M, Abouelroos M, Gad F
Acta Histochemica
2016 vol: 118 (5) pp: 471-477

Quaking promotes monocyte differentiation into pro-atherogenic macrophages by controlling pre-mRNA splicing and gene expression
Bruin, Ruben G. de;  Shiue, Lily;  Prins, Jurriën;  Boer, Hetty C. de;  Singh, Anjana et al. (2016)
Nature Communications vol. 7

MicroRNA-29b inhibits TGF-β1-induced fibrosis via regulation of the TGF-β1/Smad pathway in primary human endometrial stromal cells
Li, Jingxiong;  Cen, Bohong;  Chen, Siping;  He, Yuanli (2016)
Molecular Medicine Reports vol. 13 (5) p. 4229-4237

Effect of amlodipine on mouse renal interstitial fibrosis
Honma, Shigeyoshi;  Nakamura, Kazuki;  Shinohara, Masahiro;  Mitazaki, Satoru;  Abe, Sumiko et al. (2016)
European Journal of Pharmacology

Clinicopathological and immunohistochemical features of pulmonary artery sarcoma: A report of three cases and review of the literature
Chen, Dong;  Zhu, Guangfa;  Wang, Dijia;  Zhang, Zhe;  Fang, Wei et al. (2016)
Oncology Letters vol. 11 (4) p. 2820-2826

PIK3C2A is a gene-specific target of microRNA-518a-5p in imatinib mesylate-resistant gastrointestinal stromal tumor
Shi, Yuan;  Gao, Xiaodong;  Hu, Qin;  Li, Xiaojing;  Xu, Jianfang et al. (2016)
United States & Canadian Academy of Pathology

Dual channel selective fluorescent detection of Al3+ and PPi in mixed aqueous media: DFT studies and cell imaging applications
Alam, Rabiul;  Mistri, Tarun;  Bhowmick, Rahul;  Katarkar, Atul;  Chaudhuri, Keya et al.
RSC Advances vol. 5 (66) p. 53940-53948

CD44highCD24low molecular signature determines the Cancer Stem Cell and EMT phenotype in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Ghuwalewala, Sangeeta;  Ghatak, Dishari;  Das, Pijush;  Dey, Sanjib;  Sarkar, Shreya et al. (2016)
Stem Cell Research vol. 16 (2) p. 405-417

MERTK rs4374383 polymorphism affects the severity of fibrosis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Petta, Salvatore;  Valenti, Luca;  Marra, Fabio;  Grimaudo, Stefania;  Tripodo, Claudio et al. (2016)
Journal of Hepatology vol. 64 (3) p. 682-690

A thiosemicarbazone based chemo and fluorogenic sensor for Zn2+ with CHEF and ESIPT behaviour: computational studies and cell imaging application
Bhowmick, Rahul;  Alam, Rabiul;  Mistri, Tarun;  Das, Kalyan Kumar;  Katarkar, Atul et al. (2016)
RSC Advances vol. 6 (14) p. 11388-11399

Myeloid interferon-γ receptor deficiency does not affect atherosclerosis in LDLR-/- mice
Boshuizen, Marieke C.S.;  Neele, Annette E.;  Gijbels, Marion J.J.;  Velden, Saskia van der;  Hoeksema, Marten A. et al. (2016)
Atherosclerosis vol. 246 p. 325-333

Role of mitochondria and NADPH oxidase derived reactive oxygen species in hyperoxaluria induced nephrolithiasis: therapeutic intervention with combinatorial therapy of N-acetyl cysteine and Apocynin
Sharma, Minu;  Kaur, Tanzeer;  Singla, S.K. (2016)
Mitochondrion vol. 27 p. 15-24

Microwave-assisted one-step rapid synthesis of near-infrared gold nanoclusters for NIRF/CT dual-modal bioimaging
Liu, Yang;  Tian, Gao-Fei;  He, Xi-Wen;  Li, Wen-You;  Zhang, Yu-Kui (2016)
Journal of Materials Chemistry B vol. 4 (7) p. 1276-1283

Depletion of SAM50 Specifically Targets BCR-ABL-Expressing Leukemic Stem and Progenitor Cells by Interfering with Mitochondrial Functions
E., CapalaMarta;  PruisMaurien;  VellengaEdo;  Jacob, SchuringaJan (2016)
Stem Cells and Development

The cultivation of Acanthamoeba using with different axenic and monoxenic media
Eroğlu, Fadime;  Evyapan, Gülşah;  Koltaş, İsmail Soner (2015)

Host and parasite genetics shape a link between Trypanosoma cruzi infection dynamics and chronic cardiomyopathy
Lewis, Michael D;  Francisco, Amanda Fortes;  Taylor, Martin C;  Jayawardhana, Shiromani;  Kelly, John M (2016)
Cellular microbiology

Global expression of AMACR transcripts predicts risk for prostate cancer – a systematic comparison of AMACR protein and mRNA expression in cancerous and noncancerous prostate
Alinezhad, Saeid;  Väänänen, Riina-Minna;  Ochoa, Natalia Tong;  Vertosick, Emily A.;  Bjartell, Anders et al. (2016)
BMC Urology vol. 16 (1) p. 1

Pre-ovipositional and ovipositional behaviour of Lasioseius ometes (Oudemans) and Hypoaspis kargi Costa (Acari: Dermanyssiae: Ascidae, Laelapidae) with notes on egg protection strategies in Mesostigmata
Marquardt, Tomasz;  Kaczmarek, Sławomir;  Krantz, Gerald W. (2015)
Journal of Natural History p. 1-10

Facet Energy and Reactivity versus Cytotoxicity: The Surprising Behavior of CdS Nanorods
Liu, Lu;  Sun, Meiqing;  Zhang, Haijun;  Yu, Qilin;  Li, Mingchun et al. (2016)
Nano Lett. vol. 16 (1) p. 688-694

Tempering trans-Resveratrol from the Molecule to Crystal Level: A Contemporary Approach toward Polymorphic Pursuits and Morphological Insights
Chadha, Renu;  Dureja, Janhvi;  Karan, Maninder (2016)
Crystal Growth & Design vol. 16 (2) p. 605-616

MERTK rs4374383 polymorphism affects the severity of fibrosis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Petta, Salvatore;  Valenti, Luca;  Marra, Fabio;  Grimaudo, Stefania;  Tripodo, Claudio et al. (2016)
Journal of Hepatology vol. 64 (3) p. 682-690

Interferon-β promotes macrophage foam cell formation by altering both cholesterol influx and efflux mechanisms
Boshuizen, Marieke C.S.;  Hoeksema, Marten A.;  Neele, Annette E.;  van der Velden, Saskia;  Hamers, Anouk A.J. et al. (2016)
Cytokine vol. 77 p. 220-226

Publications 2015

Nerve tissue prefabrication inside the rat femoral bone: does it work?
Ozbek Z, Kocman A, Ozatik O, Soztutar E, Ozkara E, Kose A, Arslantas A, Cetin C
Turkish Neurosurgery

The diet and environment of mammoths in North-East Russia reconstructed from the contents of their feces
Kirillova, Irina V.;  Argant, J.;  Lapteva, E.G.;  Korona, O.M.;  van der Plicht, J. et al. (2015)
Quaternary International

Surfactant modulated aggregation induced enhancement of emission (AIEE)—a simple demonstration to maximize sensor activity
Bhowmick, Rahul;  Islam, Abu Saleh Musha;  Katarkar, Atul;  Chaudhuri, Keya;  Ali, Mahammad (2015)
Analyst vol. 141 (1) p. 225-235

Cerebralcare Granule® attenuates cognitive impairment in rats continuously overexpressing microRNA-30e
Xu, Yong;  Liu, Zhifen;  Song, Xi;  Zhang, Kerang;  Li, Xingrong et al. (2015)
Molecular Medicine Reports vol. 12 (6) p. 8032-8040

Outer surface protein OspC is an antiphagocytic factor that protects Borrelia burgdorferi from phagocytosis by macrophages
Carrasco, Sebastian E;  Troxell, Bryan;  Yang, Youyun;  Brandt, Stephanie L;  Li, Hongxia et al. (2015)
Infection and immunity vol. 83 (12) p. 4848-60

Bone morphogenetic protein 2 regulates the differentiation of nitrergic enteric neurons by modulating Smad1 signaling in slow transit constipation
Liu, Xuliang;  Liu, Shangming;  Xu, Yanan;  Liu, Xiuqin;  Sun, Daqing
Molecular Medicine Reports

The Chondroprotective Role of TMF in PGE 2 -Induced Apoptosis Associating with Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress
Yang J Liu H Li L Liu H Shi W Wu L (2015)
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine vol: 2015 pp: 1-7

The beneficial effects of betaine on dysfunctional adipose tissue and N6-methyladenosine mRNA methylation requires the AMP-activated protein kinase α1 subunit
Zhou, Xihong;  Chen, Jingqing;  Chen, Jin;  Wu, Weiche;  Wang, Xinxia et al. (2015)
The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry

A single CT-guided percutaneous intraosseous injection of thermosensitive simvastatin/poloxamer 407 hydrogel enhances vertebral bone formation in ovariectomized minipigs
Tan, J;  Fu, X;  Sun, C G;  Liu, C;  Zhang, X H et al. (2015)
Osteoporosis international

A high-frequency in vitro multiplication, micromorphological studies and ex vitro rooting of Cadaba fruticosa (L.) Druce (Bahuguni): a multipurpose endangered medicinal shrub
Lodha, Deepika;  Patel, Ashok Kumar;  Shekhawat, N S (2015)
Physiology and molecular biology of plants : an international journal of functional plant biology vol. 21 (3) p. 407-15

Leaf size serves as a proxy for xylem vulnerability to cavitation in plantation trees
Schreiber S Hacke U Chamberland S Lowe C Kamelchuk D Bräutigam K Campbell M Thomas B (2015)
Plant, Cell & Environment

Effect of wood ash on leaf and shoot anatomy, photosynthesis and carbohydrate concentrations in birch on a cutaway peatland
Aguraijuja, Karin;  Klõšeiko, Jaan;  Ots, Katri;  Lukjanova, Aljona (2015)
Environmental monitoring and assessment vol. 187 (7) p. 444

Bacillus crassostreae sp. nov., isolated from an oyster (Crassostrea hongkongensis)
Chen J Tian X Ruan Y Yang L He Z Tang S Li W Shi H Chen Y (2015)

Dual channel selective fluorescent detection of Al3+ and PPi in mixed aqueous media: DFT studies and cell imaging applications
Alam, Rabiul;  Mistri, Tarun;  Bhowmick, Rahul;  Katarkar, Atul;  Chaudhuri, Keya et al. (2015)
RSC Adv. vol. 5 (66) p. 53940-53948

Jinmaitong decreases sciatic nerve DNA oxidative damage and apoptosis in a streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat model
Yin, De-Hai;  Liang, Xiao-Chun;  Zhao, Li;  Zhang, Hong;  Sun, Qing et al. (2015)
Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine vol. 10 (2) p. 778-786

Combining CXCL10 gene therapy and radiotherapy improved therapeutic efficacy in cervical cancer HeLa cell xenograft tumor models
Zhao, Ming;  Zhao, Ming;  Ma, Qian;  Ma, Qian;  Xu, Jinhui et al. (2015)
Oncology Letters vol. 10 (2) p. 768-772

The role of domestic tap water on Acanthamoeba keratitis in non-contact lens wearers and validation of laboratory methods
Koltas, Ismail Soner;  Eroglu, Fadime;  Erdem, Elif;  Yagmur, Meltem;  Tanır, Ferdi (2015)
Parasitology research vol. 114 (9) p. 3283-9

Circumferentially aligned fibers guided functional neoartery regeneration in vivo
Zhu, Meifeng;  Wang, Zhihong;  Zhang, Jiamin;  Wang, Lina;  Yang, Xiaohu et al. (2015)
Biomaterials vol. 61 p. 85-94

A novel rhodamine-3,4-dihydro-2H-1,3-benzoxazine conjugate as a highly sensitive and selective chemosensor for Fe3+ ions with cytoplasmic cell imaging possibilities
Molla, Habib Ali;  Bhowmick, Rahul;  Katarkar, Atul;  Chaudhuri, Keya;  Gangopadhyay, Sumana et al. (2015)
Anal. Methods vol. 7 (12) p. 5149-5156

Acellular human heart matrix: A critical step toward whole heart grafts
Sánchez, Pedro L.;  Fernández-Santos, M. Eugenia;  Costanza, Salvatore;  Climent, Andreu M.;  Moscoso, Isabel et al. (2015)
Biomaterials vol. 61 p. 279-289

MAb therapy against the IFN-α/β receptor subunit 1 stimulates arteriogenesis in a murine hindlimb ischaemia model without enhancing atherosclerotic burden
Teunissen P Boshuizen M Hollander M Biesbroek P van der Hoeven N Mol J Gijbels M van der Velden S van der Pouw Kraan T Horrevoets A de Winther M van Royen N (2015)
Cardiovascular Research vol: 107 (2) pp: 255-266

Micro-CT scan, electron microscopy and optical microscopy study of insertional traumas of cochlear implants
Le Breton, Alexia;  Jegoux, Franck;  Pilet, Paul;  Godey, Benoit (2015)
Surgical and radiologic anatomy vol. 37 (7) p. 815-23

Variation of xylem vessel diameters across a climate gradient: insight from a reciprocal transplant experiment with a widespread boreal tree
Schreiber S Hacke U Hamann A (2015)
Functional Ecology

Protective effects of N-acetylcysteine against hyperoxaluria induced mitochondrial dysfunction in male wistar rats
Sharma, Minu;  Kaur, Tanzeer;  Singla, S K (2015)
Molecular and cellular biochemistry vol. 405 (1-2) p. 105-14

Maribacter spongiicola sp. nov. and Maribacter vaceletii sp. nov., isolated from marine sponges, and emended description of the genus Maribacter
Morrissey J Dobson A Jackson S O'Gara F Kennedy J (2015)
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology vol: 65 (7) pp: 2097-2103

Decidual expression and localization of human surfactant protein SP-A and SP-D, and complement protein C1q
Madhukaran, Shanmuga Priyaa;  Kishore, Uday;  Jamil, Kaiser;  Choolani, Mahesh;  Lu, Jinhua (2015)
Molecular Immunology vol. 66 (2) p. 197-207

A low-cost solid–liquid separation process for enzymatically hydrolyzed corn stover slurries
Sievers, David A.;  Lischeske, James J.;  Biddy, Mary J.;  Stickel, Jonathan J. (2015)
Bioresource Technology vol. 187 p. 37-42

Morphology-Directing Synthesis of Rhodamine-Based Fluorophore Microstructures and Application toward Extra- and Intracellular Detection of Hg2+
Bhowmick, Rahul;  Alam, Rabiul;  Mistri, Tarun;  Bhattacharya, Debalina;  Karmakar, Parimal et al. (2015)
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces vol. 7 (14) p. 7476-7485

Increased VGLUT3 involved in visceral hyperalgesia in a rat model of irritable bowel syndrome
Yang C (2015)
World Journal of Gastroenterology vol: 21 (10) pp: 2959

New records of feather mites (Acari: Astigmata) from Brazil, with description of a new species from the Black Vulture (Aves: Cathartidae)
Pedroso, Luiz Gustavo A.;  Hernandes, Fabio A.;  Mironov, Sergey V. (2015)
International Journal of Acarology

Bacillus crassostreae sp. nov., isolated from an oyster (Crassostrea hongkongensis)
Chen J Tian X Ruan Y Yang L He Z Tang S Li W Shi H Chen Y (2015)

Histopathological and biomechanical evaluation of tenocyte seeded allografts on rat Achilles tendon regeneration
Güngörmüş, Cansın;  Kolankaya, Dürdane;  Aydin, Erkin (2015)
Biomaterials vol. 51 p. 108-118

Antimicrobial peptide Cathelicidin-BF prevents intestinal barrier dysfunction in a mouse model of endotoxemia
Song, Deguang;  Zong, Xin;  Zhang, Haiwen;  Wang, Tenghao;  Yi, Hongbo et al. (2015)
International Immunopharmacology vol. 25 (1) p. 141-147

PD-L1hi B cells are critical regulators of humoral immunity
Khan, Adnan R.;  Hams, Emily;  Floudas, Achilleas;  Sparwasser, Tim;  Weaver, Casey T. et al. (2015)
Nature Communications vol. 6

Inhibition of adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase reduces glial cell-mediated inflammation and induces the expression of Cx43 in astroglias after cerebral ischemia
Ma, Yu;  Bu, Juan;  Dang, Hui;  Sha, Jing;  Jing, Yan et al. (2015)
Brain Research vol. 1605 p. 1-11

Dietary cholesterol affects expression of prostatic acid phosphatase in reproductive organs of male rats
Lim, Whasun;  Bae, Hyocheol;  Sohn, Ji Yang;  Jeong, Wooyoung;  Kim, Sae Hun et al. (2015)
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications vol. 456 (1) p. 421-427

Histochemical and biometric study of the gastrointestinal system of Hyla orientalis (Bedriaga, 1890) (Anura, Hylidae)
Akat E Arıkan H Göçmen B (2014)
European Journal of Histochemistry vol: 58 (4)

MicroRNA-495 regulates the proliferation and apoptosis of human umbilical vein endothelial cells by targeting chemokine CCL2
Liu, Dan;  Zhang, Xiao-lin;  Yan, Cheng-hui;  Li, Yi;  Tian, Xiao-xiang et al. (2015)
Thrombosis Research vol. 135 (1) p. 146-154

Effect of high hydrostatic pressure on the profile of proteins extracted from Betula pendula pollens
Altuner, Ergin Murat;  Çeter, Talip;  Alpas, Hami (2014)
High Pressure Research

IL‑15 is decreased upon CsA and FK506 treatment of acute rejection following heart transplantation in mice
Yu, Zhiyong;  Zhou, Xiaoping;  Yu, Songfeng;  Xie, Haiyang;  Zheng, Shusen (2015)
Molecular Medicine Reports vol. 11 (1) p. 37-42

The most potent antilithiatic agent ameliorating renal dysfunction and oxidative stress from bergenia ligulata rhizome
Deepika Aggarwal, Rajeev Kaushal, Tanzeer Kaur, Rakesh Kumar Bijarnia, Sanjeev Puri, Surinder Kumar Singla (2014)
Journal of Ethnopharmacology

Bioproduction of (2R,3R)-3-Phenylglycidiol: A Key Chiral Synthon for Drugs Bearing 3-Phenylpropane Using a Newly-Isolated Strain of Aspergillus fumigatus ZJUTZQ160
Ling Zhang, Hong-Lei Shen, Chun Wei, Yun-Yun Chen, Qing Zhu (2014)
Catalysis Letters   

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