Cell DIVE 超多标组织成像分析整体解决方案




癌症是一种复杂的异质性疾病,由于细胞生长失控而引起。 一个或一组细胞的基因和表观遗传的变化破坏了正常功能,导致细胞自发、不受控制地生长和增殖。
Colon adenocarcinoma and normal colon at the tumor margin. 13 biomarkers shown including Cadherin, CD3, CD4, CD8, CD20, CD31, CD45, Collagen, Caspase 9, BCL2, Beta-Catenin, Vimentin, and Smooth Muscle Actin.

Uncover the Hidden Complexity of Colon Cancer with the Big Data Viewer

Colorectal cancer poses a significant health burden. While surgery is effective initially, some patients develop recurrent secondary disease with poor prognosis, necessitating advanced therapies like…
Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma with 11 Aerobic Glycolysis/Warburg Effect biomarkers shown – BCAT, Glut1, HK2, HTR2B, LDHA, NaKATPase, PCAD, PCK26, PKM2, SMA1, and Vimentin.

Dive into Pancreatic Cancer Research with the Big Data Viewer

Pancreatic cancer, with a mortality rate near 40%, is challenging to treat due to its proximity to major organs. This story explores the complex biology of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC),…
Cell DIVE multiplexed image of FFPE tissue section from syngeneic murine cancer model, 4T1.

Mapping Tumor Immune Landscape with AI-Powered Spatial Proteomics

Spatial mapping of untreated tumors provides an overview of the tumor immune architecture, useful for understanding therapeutic responses. Immunocompetent murine models are essential for identifying…
[Translate to chinese:] Multiplexed Cell DIVE imaging of Adult Human Alzheimer’s brain tissue section demonstrating expression of markers specific to astrocytes (GFAP, S100B), microglia (TMEM119, IBA1), AD-associated markers (p-Tau217, β-amyloid) and immune cells such as CD11b+, CD163+, CD4+, and HLA-DRA+, clustered around the β-amyloid plaques.

Spatial Analysis of Neuroimmune Interactions in Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a complex neurodegenerative disorder characterized by neurofibrillary tangles, β-amyloid plaques, and neuroinflammation. These dysfunctions trigger or are exacerbated by…
Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma imaged with Cell DIVE. Analysis done by Aivia.

A Guide to Spatial Biology

What is spatial biology, and how can researchers leverage its tools to meet the growing demands of biological questions in the post-omics era? This article provides a brief overview of spatial biology…
[Translate to chinese:] Multiplexed Cell DIVE imaging to characterize the spatial landscape in Human Alzheimer’s Cortical Tissue


阿尔茨海默病(AD)是最常见的神经退行性疾病,其特征是认知功能的逐渐下降。对 AD 大脑的空间分析可能揭示细胞关系,从而促进对疾病病因的更好理解。本研究捕捉了 AD 皮层组织成分的全球概述,并强调了 Cell DIVE 成像的简化工作流程,从数据采集到使用 Aivia 软件的基于人工智能的分析,最终实现更快的洞察。
Cell DIVE image of stromal remodeling around B cell follicles of follicular lymphoma patients. Stromal cells labeled with antibodies against desmin (red), SPARC (orange), vimentin (blue), and a-sma (yellow). Extracellular matrix labeled with antibody against lumican (cyan). B cells labeled with antibody against CD20 (green). Image credit: Dr. Andrea Radtke, Center for Advanced Tissue Imaging, NIAID, NIH

Cell DIVE开放式超多重免疫荧光成像如何赋能空间生物学

空间生物学和多重成像工作流程在免疫肿瘤学研究中变得越来越重要。许多研究人员即使使用有效的工具和方案,也很难提高研究效率。我们将介绍研究人员如何利用开放式超多重免疫荧光的适应性,将 IBEX 成像与Cell DIVE 相结合,创造了一种名为 Cell DIVE-IBEX 的技术。它让这些研究人员能够调整现有的技术和试剂,并获得Cell DIVE 在其免疫肿瘤学研究中的可扩展性。


在这项研究中,我们展示了一种利用Cell DIVE和AIVIA软件的空间生物学工作流程,以绘制结肠腺癌中的肿瘤免疫景观图。


研究 TME中肿瘤、基质和免疫细胞之间的相互作用需要采用超多重免疫荧光成像方法。在这里,我们分析了一组Cell Signaling Technology(CST®)抗体,这些抗体针对肺癌、结肠癌和胰腺癌等癌症的标志物。通过Cell DIVE成像和Aivia中的聚类分析,我们确定了TME中的空间相互作用,包括组织特异性和共有的相互作用。
[Translate to chinese:] Multiplexed Cell DIVE imaging of Colon Adenocarcinoma (CAC) tissue. A panel of approximately 30 biomarkers targeted towards various leukocyte lineages, epithelial, stromal, and endothelial cell types was utilized to characterize the tumor immune microenvironment in human colon adenocarcinoma (CAC) tissue.


结肠癌是一种高负担疾病。尽管进行了化疗干预和手术切除,但疾病可能会复发。了解结肠癌微环境对于改善治疗效果是必要的。在这里,我们使用空间生物学方法,通过Cell DIVE和 Aivia可视化结肠腺癌组织中的30个生物标志物。我们探讨了肿瘤组织的血管化、免疫细胞反应和细胞增殖。
Clustering based analysis reveals various immune cell populations enriched in tumor cells within CT26.WT syngeneic mouse tumor models.


[Translate to chinese:] Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma with 11 Aerobic Glycolysis/Warburg Effect biomarkers shown – BCAT, Glut1, HK2, HTR2B, LDHA, NaKATPase, PCAD, PCK26, PKM2, SMA1, and Vimentin.

IBEX、Cell DIVE 和 RNA-Seq:一种针对滤泡性淋巴瘤的多组学方法



组织的多重成像对于肿瘤-免疫相互作用的研究以及人类细胞图谱等发现工作越来越重要。 欢迎加入我们的演讲,Andrea J. Radtke 博士解释了如何使用迭代漂白扩展多重性 (IBEX) 绘制组织图谱,并讨论了用于多重成像的广泛社区资源。
2D slice of colon cancer tissue stained with 30 markers and imaged using the Cell DIVE system. Analysis performed using Aivia 13’s new multiplex cell detection recipe and automatic clustering tool. Each phenotype denoted in a different color.

Transforming Multiplexed 2D Data into Spatial Insights Guided by AI

Aivia 13 handles large 2D images and enables researchers to obtain deep insights into microenvironment surrounding their phenotypes with millions of detected objects and automatic clustering up to 30…
[Translate to chinese:] Hepatocellular Carcinoma with 13 biomarkers shown – Beta-Catenin, CD3D, CD4, CD8a, CD31, CD44, CD163, DAPI, PanCK, PCK26, PD1, SMA, and Vimentin.


Alison Cheung博士展示了如何利用蛋白质多重成像技术为癌症研究提供定量见解,与她一起探索肿瘤异质性和免疫细胞动态。
Adult human Alzheimer’s brain demonstrating a panel of 15 markers.


阿尔茨海默病(AD)是一种神经退行性疾病,也是导致晚年认知障碍的常见原因。阿尔茨海默病的特征是出现含β-淀粉样蛋白的斑块和含磷酸化 tau 的神经纤维缠结。目前尚缺乏治疗和预防AD的有效疗法。我们将Cell DIVE与Cell Signaling Technology的抗体结合使用,检查了AD的突触过程并从空间上确定了神经胶质细胞和神经元等细胞,证明了超多标免疫荧光成像技术可用于探测AD大脑。
[Translate to chinese:] Co-detection of 10 extracellular matrix proteins and 3 topographical tissue landmarks by multiplex immunostaining within a single high-grade fibrous hotspot from a human hepatocellular carcinoma


[Translate to chinese:] Esophageal tissue with a squamous cell carcinoma labelled with the 4 biomarkers PanCk, DAPI, NaKATPase, and Vimentin.


Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma with 11 Apoptosis biomarkers shown – BAK, BAX, BCL2, BCLXL, Caspase9, CIAP1, NaKATPase, PCK26, SMAC, Vimentin, and XIAP.

与卢克-加蒙(Luke Gammon)一起多重成像:推进您的空间生物学研究

Multi-tissue array with 4 markers shown including DAPI, NaKATPase, PanCk, and Vimentin.

空间生物学: 解析全景

Cell counts for each biomarker were divided by total number of cells to give a percentage of biomarker positive cells out of total cells for each biomarker.


利用自动化、高质量抗体以及经验证的多重成像工作流程,Cell DIVE能够提供可重复的实验结果。
[Translate to chinese:] PDAC Multiplexed imaging of CST panels enables an examination of immune cell components in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (IPDAC) tissue on a single slide.


肿瘤环境的表征可以为癌症进展和潜在治疗靶点提供更深入的见解。我们已经使用来自Cell Signaling Technology(CST)的各种IHC验证抗体,在胰腺癌的Cell DIVE研究中验证了30多种偶联抗体。
[Translate to chinese:] Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma with 5 biomarkers shown – SMA, PanCK PCK26, PanCK AE1, Vimentin, and Glut1.


胰腺癌是一种很难治疗的肿瘤疾病。Cell DIVE多重成像可以视觉呈现30种生物标志物以探测胰管癌的微环境。此面板可以检查肿瘤组织多个层级的问题,包括淋巴细胞、血管新生、转移、侵袭、炎症、缺氧、代谢和免疫。多重成像和分析可以对肿瘤组织中的许多生物活动提供更为深入的洞察信息,从而可以深入研究这些信息。
How is microscopy used in spatial biology - Teaserimage


[Translate to chinese:] Cell DIVE Multiplex Imaging Solution


[Translate to chinese:] Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma tissue section imaged with Cell DIVE


Colon adenocarcinoma with 13 biomarkers shown

利用Cell DIVE 在单细胞水平上进行超复杂癌症组织分析



多重组织分析是一种功能强大的技术,可对单个固定组织样本中的细胞类型位置和细胞类型相互作用进行比较。在多重分析研究开始之前,研究人员通常会提出以下问题: "我如何知道组织中哪些生物标记物是相关的?另外,随着研究问题的发展,我如何转向其他生物标记物?巧妙的研究设计有助于回答现有的问题,并能继续探索研究开始时并不明显的新联系。

Cell DIVE已验证的抗体将使您对实验结果产生信心

Cell DIVE超多标组织成像分析整体解决方案包括经严格验证的350+抗体资源库,高灵敏度高特异性的应用于Cell DIVE循环染色成像中。抗体验证的方法可以帮助您找到合适的抗体以及最佳的实验条件,快速的让您开展超多标成像分析的实验。抗体库中的每种抗体都经过严格的三步验证过程,(a)评估在FFPE上的表现性能;(b)确定其最佳的染色条件以及是否可用作直标抗体;(c)探究由于Cell…
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