Congresso de Atualização em Neurocirurgia (CBAN)

10 Sep 2025 09:00 - 13 Sep 2025 21:00 UTC

Campos do Jordão Convention Center, Av. Macedo Soares, 499 - Capivari, Campos do Jordão - SP, Brazil



Leica Microsystems Latam will participate in The Neurosurgery Update Congress (CBAN) that will take place from September 10 to 13, 2025. The executive committee and all the organizers are committed to making the biggest and best event ever, and the location chosen to host this great event in Brazilian neurosurgery was Campos do Jordão – the highest city in Brazil, built on top of the Serra da Mantiqueira, in São Paulo, known as "the Brazilian Switzerland" due to its lush green landscape and typically European architecture – which has a large, modern and comfortable hotel structure, with several hotel and restaurant options.

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